Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder & behavioral problems in children Safe & natural homeopathic treatment
ADHD or ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’, a behavioral disorder in children, is characterized by inability to focus or pay attention due to hyperactivity over a longer duration of time. This impairs the child academically as well as his/her social adaptability. Genetics and numerous environmental factors are considered as the most probable cause of the disorder.
Homeopathic treatment of ADHD
Management of ADHD involves administration of a series of homeopathic remedies depending on the signs and the behavioral pattern the child presents with.
Example of a Case Treated at HRD:
A child (age 6 years) living in the United States was prescribed a set of homeopathic remedies (Aconite, Ignatia, Stramonium) to be administered at different stages of ADHD. ‘Aconite’ was a drug strongly indicated when the child presented with sudden panic attacks and was unable to control his emotions; ‘Ignatia’ helped strongly when the child was depressed and unresponsive, and ‘Stramonium’ helped when the child was violent and had numerous fears resulting in lack of confidence.
Numerous other homeopathic remedies like Argentum Nitricum, Gelsemium, Arsenicum Album commonly used during anxiety attacks have helped children with behavioral disorders.
Most cases of ADHD and behavioral problems are managed using this method and our general observation is that prolonged Homeopathic treatment does help in primarily preventing or normalizing sudden emotional outbursts, hyperactivity, vulnerability, depression etc considerably. This in turn improves the child’s attention and memory retention span and his/her ability to cope with everyday activities better. If your child or someone you know suffers from behavioral disorders or ADHD, homeopathic treatment over a period of time should be definitely considered. The medicines have no side effects or adverse reactions and can be taken indefinitely.
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Gout and pseudo gout treatment using homeopathic medicines
Gout, a metabolic disorder, occurs due to excessive concentration of uric acid (hyperuricemia) in the blood and the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint cartilages, tendons and the surrounding tissue. The sudden reactionary inflammation caused by the crystals leads to burning pain, tenderness, swelling, redness and stiffness of the involved joint (big toe or any other joint). You may be predisposed to uric acid kidney stones due to this excessive buildup.
Cherries: They contain an enzyme which neutralizes uric acid. Consuming 15-20 cherries (preferably fresh) proceeding or during an attack helps in reducing the intensity of gout.
Pseudo gout as the name implies resembles Gout symptomatically; however the inflammation caused here is a reaction to calcium pyrophosphate crystals and not uric acid crystals.
Diagnosis: An x-ray will help in demonstrating the presence of crystals if they are big. Serum uric acid levels may help in pointing towards gout; however two thirds of individuals may have normal uric acid levels. Joint aspirate (fluid) when studied microscopically helps in identifying the nature of crystals though it may be difficult to perform.
Homeopathic treatment for Gout / Pseudo gout
Homeopathy has its advantages in treating acute episodes of gout or pseudo gout as well as in lowering the frequency and intensity of relapses over time. In acute attacks homeopathic remedies capable of working immediately on the causative factor are prescribed. Some such remedies are: Bryonia, colchicum, ledum pal, formica rufa, rhus tox, calcarea phos, benzoic acid and urtica urens.
Homeopathic remedies prescribed over a longer duration are capable of improving the person in totality and may differ from the above mentioned remedies. A remedy such as this may be called a ‘constitutional remedy’.
If you or someone you know suffers from gout or pseudo gout, homeopathic treatment over a period of time should be definitely considered. The medicines have no side effects or adverse reactions and can be taken indefinitely.
Courtesy: Dr. Anish Vaknalli
For procuring Dr. Vaknallys Researched Remedy: click here
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Curing & relieving colds, coryza & rhinitis naturally
Common cold is a contagious, viral affection (commonly rhinoviruses) of the respiratory system characterized by runny nose, nasal congestion, rhinitis, sneezing and sore throat. It may also cause fatigue, muscle pains and malaise. Common cold differs from
Influenza or Flu (RNA virus) which may have similar symptoms, but more likely to be exhaustive and associated with fever.
Common cold though self limiting is one of the commonest causes for sick leaves in developed countries.
Homeopathic remedies for common cold
Homeopathy works wonders in relieving and reducing the duration of common colds as it boosts your immunity and improves your body’s ability to fight the virus. You may have tried conventional or over-the-counter cold medicines for immediate relief and may have noticed that they help temporarily. They do not reduce the malaise or duration as they have no action on the virus. Unlike homeopathic medicines, conventional cold drugs do not boost immunity and therefore cannot help in preventing relapses.
There are over 50 remedies which can used successfully, some of which are: Allium Cepa, Ammon Carb, Ars Album, Ars Iod, Pulsatilla, Kali Bi, Merc Sol, Hydrastis Cannadensis…to name a few. The remedy indicated for immediate relief and that which will help boost your immune response will depend on the totality of the symptoms you suffer from.
For Procuring Dr. Vaknallys Researched Remedy: click here
For in-depth information on Sinusitis: : click here
For in-depth information on Nasal Allergies: : click here
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Non-surgical fissure treatment with researched homeopathic medicines
Anal fissures are unnatural cracks or split in the anus skin which leads to bright red rectal bleeding and pain after passing stools. Fissures are usually common in those straining to defecate due to severe and chronic constipation or diarrhea. They are commonly associated with conditions like Crohn’s diseases, ulcerative colitis, following child-birth and anal intercourse.
Homeopathic treatment of anal fissure
Acute fissure may resolve spontaneously. However the treatment we offer is to those with chronic fissures failing to heal or those experiencing frequent relapses. The researched remedy chosen after thoroughly investigating the probable causes helps in curing fissures, relieve chronic constipation and improve anal muscle tone.
Numerous remedies have been used at our centres in the past 25 years. Some of them are:
Condurango, Graphites, Nitric Acidum, Ratanhia…to name a few. The remedy indicated in your case will depend on the symptoms you present with in totality and may differ.
Homeopathic local application: Over the past decade we have incorporated a unique local homeopathic application (natural extracts of paeonia, calendula, Echinacea etc) for faster healing of the tears and healthy granulation of the tissue. When used along with the internal homeopathic remedies fissures heal much faster as compared to conventional methods used.
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Childhood asthma and bronchitis cure with homeopathy
There is an alarming increase of asthma cases in children over the past decade and the most probable causes as outlined on most medical websites are as follows:
- A child develops immunity or resistance against most organisms only when exposed to them. We now live in a disease-controlled environment which prevents us from being exposed to most organisms thereby preventing natural immunity against those organisms. When exposed to them the chances of developing asthma also increases.
- A steady increase in food, chemical and environmental allergens & pollutants could cause this increase.
- Lack of breast feeding prevents antibodies developed by the mother from entering the infants’ bloodstream. This is known as passive immunity and helps guard against numerous infections.
Does homeopathy really help?
It does… but why does it help? Would then be your question! Homeopathic medicines are prepared from numerous substances (plant extracts, chemicals, allergens etc); however traces of the original substance cannot be found in the final remedy as it has been diluted. The homeopathic remedy capable of curing asthma in a sick individual can also cause asthma in a healthy individual. This closely resembles immunization. e.g.
Polio |
Homeopathic remedy:
Blatta orientalis (American cockroach) |
Polio virus vaccine (diluted) |
Homeopathic form (diluted) |
Polio virus as an infection |
Homeopathic form (diluted) |
We Develop immunity |
Sick person: Cures asthma |
Healthy person: Develops polio |
Health person: Cause asthma |
How does homeopathy help?
Since homeopathic medicines help by increasing ones resistance to allergens those opting for it will experience improved tolerance to asthma triggers, pollutants, climatic changes as well as a significant reduction in relapses of common colds, respiratory infections and asthma attacks.
Homeopathic remedies found useful during acute attacks are: Arsenic album, Blatta orientalis, Natrum Sulphuricum, Grindelia Robusta…to name a few. For chronic sufferers a detail case analysis is essential and a remedy capable of improving the overall health and immunity is prescribed.
We strongly recommend Homeopathic treatment for asthma and allergies based on 1000’s of cases treated at our centres.
Courtesy: Dr. Anish Vaknalli
For procuring Dr. Vaknallys Researched Remedy: click here
For in-depth Asthma information: click here
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Natural, alternative homeopathic treatment for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease & Heartburn
What is GERD?
GERD or Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease is caused by the abnormal reflux of acid from the stomach into the esophagus resulting in damage to the esophageal mucosal lining. Heartburn or a burning sensation behind the breastbone (sternum) is the presenting symptom.
You may suffer from heartburns and may never have GERD. However those suffering from heartburns more than once a week may be predisposed to GERD. Similarly, a condition called Hiatus Hernia (a part of your stomach lining herniates into the esophagus) predisposes one to GERD.
Cough, hoarseness of voice, difficulty in swallowing, nausea and sinusitis may be found with GERD. Chronic GERD can lead to esophageal ulcers.
Homeopathic treatment of GERD & heartburn
GERD is probably one of the commonest conditions treated at our centres. With increasing levels of stress, poor eating habits, excessive indulgence and absence of a routine lifestyle, GERD is on an increase like never before.
It is very unusual for chronic heartburn suffers to be unrelieved by this treatment and is therefore strongly recommend. Cases which fail to respond usually have moderate grades of hiatus hernia and fail to adapt the lifestyle changes recommended.
Remedies based on certain indicators such as your symptoms, habits and personality traits (hyperactivity, anger etc) are used for its treatment. Some of our favorite homeopathic remedies are: Argentum Nitricum, Acid Sulphuricum, Robinia, Nux Vomica, Symphytum… to name a few.
Homeopathic remedies prescribed over a longer duration are capable of improving the person in totality and may differ from the above mentioned remedies. A remedy such as this may be called a constitutional remedy.
If you or someone you know suffers from GERD, homeopathic treatment over a period of time should be definitely considered. The medicines have no side effects or adverse reactions and can be taken indefinitely.
Courtesy: Dr. Anish Vaknalli
For procuring Dr. Vaknallys Researched Remedy: click here
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