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Homeopathy Treatment for Tonsillitis / Adenoiditis / Pharyngitis

Are you aware of the following facts

  • Tonsils and adenoids may be considered as the first line of defense against infection entering through the mouth and nose.
  • Removal of the tonsils / adenoids may resolve immediate discomfort. However your susceptibility to catch colds and throat infections does not reduce.
  • A poor immune response to allergens, viruses and infection may continue to exist even after surgery. You may suffer from repeated pharyngitis (sore throat) and may be prone to allergens.
  • Ideally, saving the tonsils/adenoids and improving your immune response to future infections will guarantee a superior prognosis.
  • Research shows that removal of tonsils and adenoids does not impact future immunity. However, the reason for repeated attacks is poor immunity. Therefore, improving this immune response is crucial in saving the tonsils / adenoids. If your immune response is boosted there would be no need for their removal.
  • Specialized homeopathic treatments based on an individual’s signs and symptoms does help in boosting immune responses, lowering recurrent infection and susceptibility to allergens, as well as preventing surgery in most cases.


Tonsils & Adenoids

Infections in the throat may lead to inflammation of one or both the tonsils (tonsillitis) and/or the throat (pharyngitis). These infections are spread by close contact with other individuals. Bacterial infections are more common during the winter. Viral infections are more common in summer and fall. Sensitivity to allergens can lead to chronic pharyngitis.

Tonsillitis Pharyngitis

Infections in the throat may lead to inflammation of one or both the tonsils (tonsillitis) and/or the throat (pharyngitis). These infections are spread by close contact with other individuals. Bacterial infections are more common during the winter. Viral infections are more common in summer and fall. Sensitivity to allergens can lead to chronic pharyngitis.


Symptoms of Tonsillitis & Pharyngitis

The main symptoms are sore throat, dry cough, pain on swallowing and fever. Neck glands may be enlarged and the tonsils look inflamed, red, often with flecks of pus.

Symptoms of Adenoiditis

The main symptoms of adenoiditis are nasal stuffiness and nasal discharge. In children who develop a common cold, the adenoids become inflamed as part of the illness. If nasal stuffiness and discharge persist it probably has progressed to adenoiditis and/or sinusitis.

Both, enlarged tonsils and adenoids can cause: Obstruction of breathing which may lead to snoring, nasal speech, restless sleep and bed wetting


Below are the most common infectious agents causing tonsillitis & pharyngitis. Infection if spreads to the adenoids leads to adenoiditis.


  • Adenovirus
  • Influenza virus
  • Epstein-Barr virus H
  • Herpes simplex virus


  • Group A ß - hemolytic streptococci (GABHS)
  • Neisseria gonorrhea
  • Haemophilus influenzae Type B
  • Mycoplasma

Fungal & Parasitic infections

Cigarette smoke


Surgery & Antibiotics is it justified?

  • Patients usually resort to homeopathy or alternative medicine when faced with surgery
  • Chronic inflammation and enlargement of the glands can be completely reversed by homeopathy

Surgery should be the last resort and the only time we recommend the same is when:

  • Homeopathic treatment for 6-8 months yields absolutely no results. Though less than 5 % of patients treated fall in this category, most patients respond favorably and surgery can be avoided.
  • Severe infections can lead to very high fever, tender lymph nodes and pus-like coating on tonsils which may need antibiotics during the course of the Homeopathic treatment. Antibiotics may be opted for along with homeopathy as the chances of recovery are better. We ask individuals to continue homeopathy once these symptoms are treated as relapses as well as intensity and frequency of symptoms can be significantly minimized. If repeated infections persist and high fever and abscess (quinsy) cannot be resolved, surgery may be recommended.

Homeopathic Benefit

HRD’s Homeopathic treatment benefits – Tonsillitis / Adenoids & Children

Numerous such cases are referred to homeopathy as the medicines cure without the harsh side effects encountered with conventional medicine. Children and chronic adult sufferers are especially benefited as children usually have a low tolerance to the high doses of antibiotics and chronic sufferers are simply fed up of the relapses. (Link: Other Benefits)

Children & Adults

Tonsillitis & Adenoids Pharyngitis General
Non-surgical painless cure possible Non-drowsy allergy relief No side effects
Saves Tonsils which guard against infection Improves resistance to allergens No contraindications
Improves resistance and immunity Reduces relapses and intensity No drug interactions
Palatable and children love it Non-addictive, long-lasting cure Highly palatable

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Adenoids treatment

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