Reduce intensity & frequency of tinnitus with Homeopathy
Tinnitus is sounds perceived in the head or ears in the absence of any external noise. The sounds may occur occasionally or perceived most of the time. They result due to affection of the middle and inner ear (either in one or both) and can be extremely troubling to those who have it. Most people learn to ignore it and learn to live with it due to inadequate information or improper treatment.
Our current study in this field shows that Homeopathic medicines play a vital role in helping those affected and has the ability to reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks overtime. Though result may vary, it is advisable to start this therapy as early as possible.
Those who do initiate treatment early and/or continue the treatment over 4-6 months benefit most. Homeopathic medicines can be taken alone or along with other medicines prescribed and have no adverse or side-effects whatsoever.
Kindly read the information we have carefully included and do consider homeopathy as a complementary or alternative means of relieving this condition.
Tinnitus is a reflection of a disease or condition occurring within the ear and is not a disease by itself.
Some of the causes are:
- Cochlea damage: Cochlea is the auditory portion of the inner ear. With age, trauma from noise, drugs etc cause the cochlea to underperform or generate improper signals, resulting in such sounds.
- Drugs: Such as aspirin, antibiotics, quinine etc.
- Infections: Otitis Media, a form of infection commonly affecting children
- Wax: Excessive wax may worsen tinnitus and may not be the primary cause.
- Tumors: Acoustic neuromas or tumor affecting the auditory nerve
- Anemia, hypothyroidism, raised blood pressure and Eustachian tube affection
- TMJ disease: Misaligned jaw joint (temporo-mandibular joint) may result in a clicking type sound.
- Meniere's disease: The precise cause of this disease is unknown; however a fluid-imbalance within the ear causes this condition. Dizziness, tinnitus and hearing loss are the predominant symptoms. Salt restriction is commonly advised to avoid these tinnitus attacks.
- Common types of sound perceived are: buzzing, ringing, hissing, roaring and whistling
- Sounds which may occur occasionally and may come and go; or sounds which last up to 1-2 hours and sometimes longer
- Hearing loss, dizziness and tinnitus occurs in Meniere's disease
- Clicking sounds due to TMJ (jaw joint) disease
- Pulsatile sounds due to raised blood pressure, which accompany your heart beat
- Subjective tinnitus (common); are sounds heard only by you in the absence of
external sounds
- Objective tinnitus (uncommon): are sounds which can be heard by your doctor when
closely heard for from your ears. (eg.TMJ and Eustachian tube related tinnitus)
Diagnosis & Treatment
Diagnosis: Routinely, physicians conduct a local examination for any infection or wax, hearing test or audiogram, blood tests, MRI and CT scan.
Treatment for tinnitus depends on the underlying cause of the problem
- Infections, TMJ diasease, and tumors are treated medically (antibiotics/anti-inflammatory drugs) and surgically
- Once the most obvious causes are ruled out, a physician will conclude the tinnitus to be caused by damage to the cochlea or the hearing organs. Since there isn't much that can be done most individuals learn to live with it.
Homeopathic Treatment
In most cases of tinnitus no causative factor can be found. It is therefore widely believed that age related damage to the cochlea (auditory system) could be the likely cause. Even if a cause is found, appropriate corrective action (medical or surgical) may not always resolve the perceived sounds due to damage to the cochlea.
As a result, homeopathic medicines capable of working on the cochlea are prescribed. There are some very effective medicines which also help in resolving any untreated infection and inflammation as well as influence fluid within the ear.
Some individuals may experience relapses in relation to moon phases. We attribute this to the affection of fluids within the ear which could be increasing pressure within the inner ear. There are some wonderful homeopathic remedies which help individuals having this peculiar relation to the moon phases and do help in lowering the intensity and frequency of such attacks.
Our current research in this field shows that Homeopathic medicines play a vital role in helping those affected and has the ability to reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks overtime.
Those who initiate treatment early and/or continue treatment over 4-6 months benefit most. Homeopathic medicines can be taken alone or along with other medicines prescribed and have no adverse or side-effects whatsoever.