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Homeopathy Treatment for Migraine Headaches

Beating Migraine & Recurrent Headaches… with Homeopathy

Migraine headache are probably one of the most widely treated conditions for which countless individuals seek Homeopathic treatment. The nature of the condition and pain can be very debilitating and can prevent you from functioning at your finest. Chronic use of pain killers only offers short-term relief; however they have no effect on reducing the periodicity or frequency of migraine episodes and do not guarantee any long-term benefit.

Homeopathic medicines when carefully chosen have the ability to cure migraine headaches and also lower the frequency and intensity of attacks. Cases treated over 3 months at ‘HRD’s - Migraine Relief Centre’, demonstrates that the Homeopathic treatment prescribed has the following beneficial results:

  • Better pain management without the use of pain killers
  • Better long-term prognosis without any side effects
  • Non-steroidal, homeopathic therapy which has no side effects
  • Significant reduction in the Migraine episodes
  • Better tolerance to stimuli or triggers of the headaches
  • Complete cure or long-term relief undeniably achievable

About Migraine Headache

A migraine is a form of recurrent, disabling, vascular headaches which affects individuals usually between the ages of 15 and 55. Women are 3 times more predisposed than men, and rarely affect children as well. On investigating you will notice that someone in your family has most probably suffered from such headaches in the past and hasn’t paid heed to it, unless the headaches were very severe.


Causes & Triggers

Numerous factors such as hormonal, trigeminal nerve and vascular involvement, serotonin imbalance etc have been assumed, however no precise cause & mechanism for its manifestation is currently known or when this article was published.

There are numerous trigger of Migraine, some of which are:

  • Food & drinks: Alcohol, chocolates, caffeine, MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), fermented food and pickles
  • Hormonal imbalance: Migraines may appear in relation to the periods, pregnancy & menopause.
  • Lack of sleep of alteration in sleep pattern
  • Medications: Contraceptive pills, Excessive use of migraine relieving pain-killers, HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) etc
  • Sensory Stimuli: Sunlight, bright or fluorescent light, glare and loud noises and unusual or strong smells
  • Skipping or delaying a meal
  • Stress: Excessive mental & physical stress, depression and insomnia
  • Watching movies or moving objects may trigger an attack

Signs & Symptoms

Migraine attacks typically have the following stages:

  • Prodrome
  • Aura
  • Headache
  • Postdrome


Less than half of Migraineurs experience prodromal symptoms which appear a few hours or days prior to an attack. These symptoms, if recognized early, can help one avoid the actual attack. A general feeling of elation, irritability or an unusually, sudden desire for sweets, water etc appears during this stage.

Headaches with auras

Approximately I/5 of individuals suffering from migraine experience an aura or warning symptoms 15-20 minutes prior to an attack. The aura comprise of:

  • Visual: Wavy, flashing or sparkling light or blind spots in the field of vision
  • Olfactory: Smelling odors that are actually not there
  • Tingling or needle like sensation in their arms, face etc
  • Difficulty in speaking or weakness in articulation

Headaches without aura

Individuals experiencing such attacks primarily suffer from the pain and do not experience any other associated symptom or symptoms before the attack. Symptoms during this attack are:

  • Pain confined to one side of the head or may affect both sides
  • Pain may also affect the eyes, temple area and may radiate to the face and jaws
  • Nature of pain is usually moderate to sever and pulsating or throbbing
  • Pain associated with nausea and/or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and noises during the pain
  • Sensitive to anything touching the head during attack
  • Pain may typically last for up to 72 hours


Following the attack most individuals experience the following symptoms which last for a few hours to day:

  • Tiredness or Fatigue
  • Depression or mood elation
  • Poor comprehension
  • Lack of concentration


  • Diagnosis is usually based on the presenting symptoms and on the basis of your family history
  • MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging helps to diagnose tumors or growth vascular and neurological abnormalities such as strokes and aneurism etc
  • CT scan: May be further recommended if the physician is in doubt and helps to further details and diagnose tumors, infections etc. responsible for headaches.

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