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Homeopathy Treatment for Kidney Stone

Kidney Stone Treatment & Prevention

Propagate and prevent kidney stones with Homeopathy

Approximately 10% of the world’s population suffers from kidney stones sometime in their life and more than 80% of those affected experience a reoccurrence.

Our treatment protocol stresses on a preventive line of treatment as well as improving your chances of passing passable stones (4-10 mm) through diet and Homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic medicines prescribed at our centres broadly help by:

  • Offering pain relief and reducing blood in urine
  • Reducing susceptible to recurrent infections and stone formation
  • Propagate passing or breaking down stones

You can prevent and/or reduce your chances of stone reoccurrence with the lifestyle changes and homeopathic treatment recommended. So do opt for homeopathy at the earliest…



What are Kidney Stone?

A kidney stone or renal calculi is a hard material formed from salts and minerals within the kidney and the urinary tract. Stones vary in sizes and can be as small as a grain of salt to as large as a marble.

Genetic Predisposition

Numerous inherited metabolic disorders increase the likelihood of developing stones. Therefore, if someone in your family is suffering or has had this condition you may be able to determine the causative factor if they were diagnosed earlier.


Conditions causing an increase in salts and minerals in the urine and/or a decrease in urine volume cause stones. Common causes are:

  • Dehydration: Poor fluid intake causes concentration of salts and minerals in the urine leading to stones. Exercising without proper hydration can predispose you to stones
  • Excessive Calcium: A condition called ‘Hypercalciuria’, which leads to excessive calcium absorption into the urine, causes the most common type of stones containing calcium. Calcium binds with phosphate or oxalate to form ‘Calcium phosphate’ or ‘Calcium oxalate’ stones respectively. Hyperparathyroidism, a condition involving over activity of the parathyroid gland, causes such excessive absorption.
  • Infection: Urinary tract infection leads to ‘Struvite’ stones. These stones are usually large and called ‘stag-horn’ stones which cause sever damage to the walls lining the urinary tract
  • Medication: Certain diuretic, HIV drugs (Indinavir) etc
  • Uric Acid Diathesis: A condition called gout causes excess of uric acid in the urine leading to stones


  • Pain: A sudden, sharp, excruciating pain usually in the lower back, abdomen and/or groin
  • Pain may be associated with nausea and vomiting
  • Fever and chill may be associated with urinary tract infection
  • Hematuria or blood in urine due to injury to the urinary tract lining

Conventional Treatment

  • Increase water and fluid intake: Helps in passing stones and reducing concentration of minerals in urine. Ideally 12-15 glasses per day will prove beneficial
  • Diuretic: They increase your urine output. The type of diuretic used varies depending on the type of stone you have
  • Pain killers: Offer symptomatic relief for associated pain
  • Lithotripsy: Non-invasive shock waves break down large stones into passable stone sizes
  • Surgery: An invasive procedure for kidney stones which are large or impacted

Lifestyle Recommendations

  • Increase fluid intake, especially water. Recommended intake of water is 12-15 glasses per day
  • Do not reduce calcium intake. Lowering calcium intake may increase your chances of calcium oxalate stones (commonest form) as calcium binds with oxalates in the gut and prevents it from being excreted in the urine. Calcium supplements can help provided it is taken with food.

    Exception: conditions such as Hyperparathyroism and those causing Hypercalciuria, which involve excessive calcium absorption into the urine, are advised to avoid or lower calcium

  • Reduce salt and animal protein intake

Homeopathic Treatment

More than 80% of those affected with Kidney stones experience a reoccurrence.

Our treatment protocol stresses on a preventive line of treatment as well as improving your chances of passing stones through diet and Homeopathic medicines.

Management of Kidney stones with Homeopathy at HRD Centers:

  • Homeopathic medicines prescribed at our centres are broadly classified into two types:

    The first known as ‘Specific remedies’ which help in immediate control of pain, blood in urine and those which propagate passing or breaking down stones.

    The second, known as ‘Constitutional remedy’, which helps to rectify metabolic disorders and reduce your innate tendency to form stones.

  • Most cases are recommended a treatment course of 6 months
  • Individuals susceptible to high recurrences may be recommended a longer duration of treatment
  • Conventional treatment measures recommended by your Nephrologist or Family Physician may be continued along with Homeopathic medicines
  • Small to medium size stones (4-10 mm) have a greater chance of completely passing out on treatment
  • Larger stones may or may not pass or break depending on the size, location and nature of stone
  • You can prevent and/or reduce your chances of stone reoccurrence with the lifestyle changes and homeopathic treatment recommended

Wish to Start Our Proven Treatment? Click here

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