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Homeopathy Treatment For Eczema

What is eczema?

Eczema is a recurring, non-contagious, inflammatory skin condition affecting approximately 10 - 20 percent of the world population. It is characterized by red, dry and itchy rash in mild forms; and cracked, bleeding and oozing skin in severe forms. The condition usually flares and subsides for no apparent cause.

Research indicates that an individuals genetic predisposition and a faulty immune response to specific stimuli (internal or environmental) cause eczema.

Atopic eczema (dermatitis) is one of the most common forms of the disease and appears in early childhood (between two-to-six months of age). Approximately 90% of people develop eczema before the age of five.

Research indicates that an individuals genetic predisposition and a faulty immune response to specific stimuli (internal or environmental) cause eczema.


How should eczema be treated?

Eczema appears due to an improper immune reaction in which the body fails to respond appropriately to stimuli. You cannot treat this condition by simply applying lotions and creams, externally. Exposure to a stimulus will naturally trigger this condition.

The Homeopathic treatmentfor eczema prescribed to the patient considers the overall susceptibility of the individual to factors such as family history (genetic predisposition), sensitivity to certain food, allergens, metals and chemicals and prescribe internal remedies capable of correcting those factors.

  • The treatment works towards correcting the immune response and not suppressing it
  • The only medicines prescribed are internal homeopathic medicines
  • No Steroids or External Medicated Lotions used as they suppress the condition
  • Safe for All Age Groups and has No Side effects or Contraindications

Curing eczema with Homeopathy medicines

Curing eczema or a complete recovery is possible with homeopathic treatment. The experience we’ve had over the past 25 years is as follows:

Complete recovery without relapses possible:

  • In children and mild-moderate intensity cases
  • When specific allergen cause the eczema (metals etc)
  • When the condition is treated in its early stages

Severe, chronic & wide spread rashes:

  • Can be put into complete remission successfully
  • Frequency of relapses can be minimized
  • Size & Intensity of lesion can be considerably reduced

Most individuals have a brighter long-term prognosis with Homeopathy as compared to conventional treatments.

Though our results aren’t 100% patients treated at the centres have the following experiences:

  • More than 85% of the cases treated have benefited
  • More than 80% decrease in intensity of the itch & rash
  • More than 65% reduction in frequency of relapses
  • Improved tolerance to specific irritants and allergens
  • Better prognosis for infants & children as medicines have no side effects
  • Better recovery when taken along with conventional* medicines (in sever forms)
  • Longer disease-free period as compared to conventional* treatments

(Note: Extent and nature of benefits of treatment varies among individuals and has been gathered from patients themselves & past clinical records) (*conventional treatments are topical or internal steroids)

Symptoms of Eczema

  • Dry, red, moderate-to-extremely itchy patches on the skin
  • Common areas affected in infants are: forehead, cheeks, forearms, legs, scalp, and neck. In children and adults, areas affected are usually the face, neck, and the insides of the elbows, knees, and ankles. In some people, eczema may ooze and in others the rash may appear more scaly and dry.
  • Chronic scratching causes the skin to blacken and thickens, also known as ‘Lichenification’

Causes of Eczema

Though the cause in unknown a poor immune response to numerous internal & external factors are linked to eczema:

Genetic predisposition:

A positive family history of immune-response related diseases such as asthma, hay fever and eczema increases susceptibility to eczema.


Food: Dairy products, eggs, nuts, citrus food, seafood, food colors & preservatives. Environmental: Dust mites, moulds, pollens, synthetic clothing, washing powders, cosmetics etc

Emotional Stress may aggravate or even initiate eczema

Conventional Treatment

The most common forms of treatment (other than Homeopathy) which suppress the condition without any long-term advantages are:

  • Topical Corticosteroids: Reduce inflammation and itch.
  • Antihistamines: Reduce itch, induce sleepiness
  • Antibiotics: For secondary infections
  • Wet bandaging: Temporarily soothes itchiness
  • Oral Corticosteroids: For sever, wide spread rashes

Types of Eczema

Some common form of eczema we treat at our centres:

(Photos of Actual Cases being treated at our centres)

Atopic Dermatitis or Atopic Eczema

Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis

The most common form of eczema usually appears in the first year of life. Approximately 90% of people develop eczema before the age of five. About 50% of people who develop atopic dermatitis during childhood continue to experience a less severe form of the rash as an adult.

The rash may appear anywhere on the body, however in infants they more often develop on the scalp and face (cheeks). Other common sites are the bends of the elbows, backs of knees, ankles, wrists, neck, and upper chest.

Rashes may appear red, dry and scaly or may ooze a clear fluid, accompanied by sever itching.

Contact Dermatitis or Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis

Eczema resulting from contact to everyday objects such as food items, chemicals, soaps, shampoo, detergents, jewelry etc. This form of eczema results due to a faulty immune response and is one of the commonest forms of eczema.

Vesicular or Dyshidrotic Dermatitis (Pompholyx)

Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis

Affects only the palms of the hands, sides of the fingers, and soles of the feet. Burning, itching and a blistering rash appear.

Eruptions appear as deep blisters with intense itching and burning. The skin may peel and crack. Secondary infection may cause the blisters to ooze and form crusts. The skin may completely clear with the immediate reappearance of new blisters.

Nummular Dermatitis

Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis

This form of eczema has a unique, coin shaped appearance, and often results after some form of skin injury (burns, insect bites etc).

The patches may begin as group of tiny reddish spots which enlarge over time and form coin shaped patches. Initially the patches may ooze and over time become red-brownish, well defines patches which as clear in the centre. They may closely resemble ringworm infection due to their oval nature.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis

This form of eczema usually appears in and around the ears, the scalp and may extend to the face. The rash appears as reddish or yellow-brown, oily lesions and tend to increase during cold, dry weather.

Commonly affected sites are: scalp, in and around the ear, hairline, around the eyebrows and eyelids, mouth creases, armpits, beneath the breast, groin, buttocks and arrears rich in sebaceous glands.

Stasis Dermatitis

Eczema & Atopic Dermatitis

This form of eczema is related to peripheral vascular disease or venous stasis. Poor blood blow and accumulation of fluid at the ankles affects the skin. The area affected is the lower leg (inner ankles) and appears red-bluish and edematous (swollen). Itching, darkening of skin (hyper pigmentation) and ulceration may occur in chronic lesion.

Other rare forms of eczema are:

Stasis Dermatitis

This common eczema develops at the nerve endings and is accompanied by severe itch.

Wish to Start Our Proven Homeopathy Treatment For Eczema? Click here

For any further details or clarification do feel free to email us at

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